Android Development Best Practices

Android Development Best Practices

In this blog, we will talk about the best practices in Android Development which you should definitely adopt in 2021.

Edustrom offers Android Development courses at affordable prices.

Android Development has become the need of today’s digital world. Most of the companies prefer android development over website development for the simple fact that applications are more convenient to use as well as handy.

Today, we will discuss a few of the best practices in Android Development that will help you master the development.

Best practices in Android Development –

1.       Use of the debugging tools

2.       Use .xml

3.       Launcher icons

4.       Bitmaps

5.       Secure application

6.       Use of libraries

android best practices

Let us know each of these practices in brief –

1.       Use of the debugging tools -
You should definitely go for Android Debug Database as it is a powerful library which will help you to debug databases and share preferences in Android Application. It is very simple and easy to use.

2.       Use .xml -
Add text in .xml format as it is very useful in the long-run. Also, it is extremely important when support is added for new languages. Use it in your next project and see the difference.

3.       Launcher icons -
Always place the launcher icons in mipmap folders. It is recommended because mipmap folders do not get stripped and the quality/density of the icons remain intact. So, it is considered the best option to include launcher icons.

4.       Bitmaps -
Understanding bitmaps are important especially because it takes a lot of memory which can lead to OOM. Everyone loves image content for a fact that it has the power to convey the message without any text!

5.       Secure application -
Android Applications can easily be decompiled and reversed. It is important to make your application secure. With this practice, you make the user gain trust in you and you develop integrity.

6.       Use of libraries -
Use the in-built libraries or proven libraries. Don’t come up with your own solutions as this will affect you in the long-run.

 best practices of android


With this, we come to the end of this blog. Put these 6 best practices in Android Development into use and see the results for yourself.

All the best!

If you have any doubts regarding the syllabus or the course, kindly drop a message or call us, and our experts will get in touch with you. 

Edustrom provides you with a platform to learn various Android Development and helps you master them within a limited time frame like (i) UI widget, (ii) Layout, (iii) Adapter, (iv) XML & Jason (v) Android Graphics, (vi) API, and (vii) Google Map. 



Why Choose Edustrom?
Edustrom provides you intricate details about Android Development. Also, we make your future-ready by giving you industrial training and a chance to work on live ongoing projects. So, your knowledge can excel with the experience. We also provide you with a certificate stating that you are now ready to enter the industrial world. And moreover, we have a team of experts to look after your query and doubts round the clock.