Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
Web Development refers to building, creating, and an maintaining websites. It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing web programming, and database management
Course Details
Learning Objective: This module has basics of PHP. PHP is a script language and interpreter that is freely available and used primarily on Linux Web servers.
- Evaluation of PHP
- Basic Syntax
- Defining variable and constant
- PHP Data type
- Operator and Expression
Learning Objective: In this module you will learn how to handle HTML form with PHP.
- Capturing Form Data
- Dealing with Multi-value filed
- Generating File uploaded form
- Redirecting to a page after submission
Learning Objective: This module consists of Decision control & Looping systems.
- Making Decisions
- Doing Repetitive task with looping
- Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
Learning Objective: This module consists of Functions in PHP.
- What is a function?
- Define a function
- Call by value and Call by reference
- Recursive function
Learning Objective: In this module you will learn String in PHP.
- Creating and accessing String
- Searching & Replacing String
- Formatting String
- String Related Library function
Learning Objective: In this module you will learn Array in PHP.
- Anatomy of an Array
- Creating index based and Associative array
- Accessing array Element
- Looping with Index based array
- Looping with associative array using Each() and Foreach()
- Some useful Library function
Learning Objective: This module consists of Files and Directory in PHP. You'll learn different operations that can be performed on files & directories.
- Understanding file & directory
- Opening and closing a file
- Copy, renaming and deleting a file
- Working with directories
- Building a text editor
- File Uploading & Downloading
Learning Objective: This module consists of managing the various states present in PHP. States are responsible for storing data to cookie, session etc.
- Using query string (URL rewriting)
- Using Hidden field
- Using cookies
- Using session
Learning Objective: In this module you will learn how to perform pattern matching operations within various operators.
- What is regular expression?
- Pattern matching in PHP
- Replacing text
- Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
Learning Objective: This module consists of generating images using PHP.
- Basics of computer Graphics
- Creating Image
- Manipulating Image
- Using text in Image
Learning Objective: In this section we will learn various concepts of OOPS with PHP.
- Introduction
- Objects
- Declaring a class
- The new keyword and constructor
- Destructor
- Access method and properties using $this variable
- Public ,private, protected properties and methods
- Static properties and method
- Class constant
- Inheritance & code reusability
- Polymorphism
- Parent & self keyword
- Instance of operator
- Abstract method and class
- Interface
- Final
Learning Objective: In this module you will learn how to manage the exceptions created in PHP.
- Understanding Exception and error
- Try, catch, throw
Learning Objective: This module consists of establishing connections with My SQL, manipulating data and maintaining them along with.
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Connection with MySQL Database
- Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
- Setting query parameter
- Executing query
- Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
Learning Objective: This module consists of learning the basic concepts of HTML, which is markup language used to develop webpages.
- Introduction to HTML
- HTML Tags
- Creating Forms
- Creating tables
- Managing home page
Learning Objective: In this module you will learn how to style your pages by CSS3.
- Introduction to CSS
- Three ways to use CSS
- CSS Properties
- Designing website
- Working with Templates
Learning Objective: This module consists of JavaScript language You will explore the JavaScript Libraries.
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Three ways to use JavaScript
- Working with events
- Client-side Validation
Learning Objective: This module consists of JQuery language. You will explore the JQuery Library.
- Introduction to JQuery
- Validation using JQuery
- JQuery Forms
- JQuery Examples
Learning Objective: This module consists of AJAX language. You will explore the AJAX libraries and functions used.
- Introduction to AJAX
- PHP with AJAX
- Working with Database
Learning Objective: This module consists of Controller. Controllers are meant to group associated request handling logic within a single class.
- Request & Response Parameter
- Controller Action
- Request Life Cycle callbacks
- Request & Response Parameter
- Controller Action
- Request Life Cycle callbacks
Learning Objective: In this module you'll get to know Models in PHP. Models are PHP classes that are designed to work with information in your database.
- Creating Model for Database Table
- Retrieving Data Using Model
- Method for all Basic CURD(Create ,Read, Update, Delete)
- Create own Model method
- Making custom SQL Queries
- Data Validation
Learning Objective: This module consists of Object Relational Mapping(ORM). It is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems.
- Working with Simple association
- One to One
- One to Many
- Many to Many
Learning Objective: This module consists of Views. Views are used to limit the exposure of tables in your database to external users and applications.
- Working with layout
- Create custom Layout
- Working with Helper class
- Creating and using user define Helper
- Working with element
Course Information
- Course Duration: 2.5 Months
- Upcoming Batch: Not Available