Top 10 Android Interview Questions

Android Development

Do you know how it feels to give your first interview? Anxiety and nervousness surround you. There are multiple questions running through your mind. How is it going to be? Will I be able to answer? What type of questions will the interviewer ask me?

Well, we have got you covered. We have listed down the top 10 interview questions of Android that you face in an interview.

So, take a pen and notebook, and get ready!

First things first. Before preparing the list of top 10 questions. It is important that you know the basics of Android – its benefits, its demerits, etc. for this, you can check our blogs on Android Development.

Explain the different phases of an Activity Cycle?
- An activity changes from state to state, it is informed of the change by the following methods 
(i) Void on Create
(ii) Void on start
(iii) Void on Restart
(iv) Void on Resume
(v) Void on Pause
(vi) Void on Stop
(vii) Void on Destroy

These are the seven methods that determine the whole lifecycle of an Activity.


2.       Is the latest Android Operating System supported on all mobile devices?
- Many mobile phones support the up-gradation of Android versions. However, it totally depends upon the mobile phone and its capability to support the features. If the mobile phone can support the latest features of the version, then the Android’s latest version will work on it. Otherwise, it will not.

3.       Tell me about the steps involved in creating abounded service through AIDL?
- Steps involved in creating a bounded service through AIDL includes -
(i) Create the .aidl file
(ii) Implement the interface 
(iii) Describe the interface by implementing the services to the clients. 

4.        List down four essential stages of an activity.
- The four essential stages of activity are
(i) Active –in the foreground
(ii) Paused – in the background but visible
(iii) Stopped – not visible, hidden or concealed by another activity 
(iv) Destroyed – completed 

5.       What is ANR?
- ANR stands for Application Not Responsive.  It appears to the users when an application is not responding for a long period of time. It indicates that the app has been stuck or frozen during user interaction. 

6.       What is ADB?
- ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge. It is a communication bridge between the client and the server part which means it is a bridge of communication between your smartphone and PC. It is used to send commands to Android from a PC.

7.       List the drawbacks of Android. 
- Some of the drawbacks of Android are -
(i) It has Less Memory Storage
(ii) It Automatically closes the apps
(iii) It has a low Battery life
(iv) It uses a lot of Data Connection 

8.       How can you remove icons and widgets from the front screen of an Android Device?
- To remove icons and widgets from the front screen of an Android device you need to tap and hold the icon then drag it to the bottom of the screen where you will see a remove option. Drag the icon to the remove option and your widget/icon will be removed. 

9.       What are the containers? 
- It holds components (objects, widgets, etc.) together to form a layout or design of your application.

10.   What are the data types used in AIDL?
- AIDL stands for Android Interface Definition Language. Data types used in AIDL is 
(i) String
(ii) List
(iii) Map
(iv) CharSequence 
(v) Java Data types like – int, long and Boolean.

We are sure this will help you prepare for your interview. Stay calm and focused. Nothing works better than a calm mind.

All the best!

If you have any doubts regarding the syllabus or the course, kindly drop a message or call us and our experts will get in touch with you. 

Edustrom provides you a with a platform to learn various Android Development and helps you master them within a limited time frame like (i) UI widget, (ii)Layout, (iii)Adapter, (iv)XML & Jason (v) Android Graphics, (vi)API, and (vii)Google Map. 




Why Choose Edustrom?
Edustrom provides you intricate details about Android Development. Also, we make your future-ready by giving you industrial training and a chance to work on the live ongoing projects. So, your knowledge can excel with the experience. We also provide you with a certificate stating that you are now ready to enter the industrial world. And moreover, we have a team of experts to look after your query and doubts round the clock.