Why Develop for Android?

What is Android Development?

It is a Mobile Operating System (OS) built on a modified version of Linux Kernel and other Open Source software. It was launched on 23rd September 2008 and can be written in Java, C, C++, XML, Assemble Language, Python, Shell Script, GO, Make and D. It is basically designed for touch screen Smartphones and Tablets.

Android has now become one of the most used Mobile Operating System (OS). Ever since its launch, people have adapted it and have found it user-friendly. Over 1.5 billion Android devices are running on the Smartphones right now. We are sure that you are reading this via Android Device. Isn’t it?  We all know that everyone knows what Android.

You are keen into learning and knowing about Android Development but have you ever wondered why is it that people often choose Android over IOS or any other mobile operating software? Or what benefits can you get if you become an Android Developer?

It becomes quite difficult to choose between which mobile operating software you should go for. So, hey, don’t worry we are here to make you understand and give you reasons as to what makes Android have an edge over the other operating systems.

Before we get started, be thorough with what is Android and its benefits for this Check out this Blog -Android Development Blogs

So, why one should develop for Android?

1.       Market Share-
If you are a developer or you want to become one, then your first concern would be to go in a career path that has a great user base and market share, so that you have plenty of projects to work upon.  You would be amazed to know that Android devices are more than all the other mobile operating software combined! 
Google Play lets out your application which is easily available to the users. So, don’t be surprised if you get many downloads in a few days!

2.       Easy Entry
If a developer develops for IOS, then its user must use Apple or Mac to access to that application. But in Android this is not the case, it can be done for Mac, 
Linux, and Windows. If you register yourself on Apple App Store you need to pay $99 every year, whereas, in Google Play Store, there is a one-time payment of $25. Now, look for yourself which one is cheaper.

3.       Portable to other Mobile Operating Systems
Android apps are developed using the Java Scripting language that can be ported to other mobile operating systems like 
Blackberry or Symbian. It can also be ported to Chrome OS. Moreover, Microsoft has also announced that it will provide an easy way to port Android Applications to Windows 10 devices. Can you see the global reach?

4.       Short Duration for Creating Mobile Application
You can easily develop a full-featured Android Application in a very short time. You just need to register as a developer on Google Play store and publish your applications. There is no app approval process, unlike other mobile operating systems. You just have to write to them and upload them on Google Play and you are good to go!

5.       Google Play Store
After you upload your app on Google Play, it will be available for the download to the user within a few hours. However, in IOS the apps are available for download after a week or few weeks.  The apps can be updated multiple times in a day on Google Play Store. For new apps and games that need to be updated timely, the Play store is the best option available. Unlike other mobile operating systems, if you have to update you have to follow a lengthy process and then submit the update to fix the bug.

6.       JAVA 
It is a powerful programming language that is used on a wide range of devices and programming. With JAVA you can create and develop apps for other mobile operating systems as well as Microsoft, Linux, etc. However, developing for IOS requires to learn its Apple’s Development Language like 
Object C or Swift.


So, you know why you should go for Android Development rather than any other mobile operating system. Well, it is up to you. You choose for yourself. Get a brief and thorough knowledge of IOS and other operating systems as well and then compare them. See, in which field you can see growth and progress and then choose wisely. There a lot of factors that need to check and rechecked and compared for a better understanding of the subject.

You can also ask any expert or professional to guide you or to help in making a decision that will be good for your career. If you wish you can anytime contact us and talk to our experts and they will guide you and will inform you about all the pros and cons of the industry.

Well, whatever field you choose give your 100% and excel. Edustrom wishes you ALL THE LUCK AND SUCCESS in your future endeavors.


Why Choose Edustrom?
Edustrom provides you intricate details about Android Development. Also, we make your future-ready by giving you industrial training and a chance to work on the live ongoing projects. So, your knowledge can excel with the experience. We also provide you with a certificate stating that you are now ready to enter the industrial world. And moreover, we have a team of experts to look after your query and doubts round the clock.