Interview questions of Digital Marketing

Interview questions of Digital Marketing

The anxiety and nervousness just before your interview are normal. Everyone feels it. Trust me when I say, no matter how big the position, they too have felt the same anxiety in their first interview. Though there is nothing much that you can do about it because it won’t completely go away. However, first interviews are special, it teaches you a lot of new things and gives you an experience of a lifetime.

Digital Marketing is a sphere that is rapidly growing and is expected to dominate in the coming years. It will open up new job opportunities in the domain.

You just need to calm down and prepare yourself for the best. Good preparation gives you confidence and that reflects in your personality. We have listed down the top 10 interview questions that you can go through in your interview.

So, take a pen and notebook and get started –

Top 10 Interview Questions –

1.       Explain Digital Marketing?
- Digital Marketing is about strategies and tactics that one puts in for the brand/company marketing via online channels. It includes various techniques like, Email Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM etc.

2.       What are the different types of Digital Marketing?
- Different types of Digital Marketing include-
(i) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
(ii) Social Media Marketing (SMM)
(iii) Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
(iv) Content Marketing
(v) Email Marketing
(vi) E-commerce Marketing

3.       What are the ways through which you can increase the traffic to your website?
- Different ways to increase the traffic are -
(i) Paid Search
(ii) SEO activities
(iii) Guest Blogging
(iv) Linking Internally
(v) Email Marketing
(vi) Display Advertising
(vii) Content Marketing
(viii) Seeking Referral Traffic
(ix) LinkedIn
(x) Crisp Headlines

4.       Where can you use keywords to increase your site ranking?
- Areas where keywords can be used are
(i) Website URL
(ii) Website Title
(iii) Headlines
(iv) Body Text
(v) Meta Tag
(vi) Web Page Content

5.       Name some Digital Marketing tool.
- Some Digital Marketing tools are-
(i) Alexa Ranking
(ii) Keyword Discovery
(iii) Moz
(iv) Google Trends
(v) BuzzSumo
(vi) Google Keyword Planner and many more.

6.       Explain Pay per Click Advertising?
- When the ad is clicked the advertisers pay the publisher (Website owner or host of the website).

7.       What is the limit of characters/words in Adwords Ads?
- The headline and sub headlines should not be more than 30 characters while the descriptions can go on for 90 characters.

8.       Differentiate between SEO and SEM?
- SEO makes your website appear in the search engine result pages whereas SEM is a search engine marketing to purchase a space in the result page of the search engine.

9.       What is CTR and how do you calculate it?
- CTR stands for Click Through Rate which represents the number of guests visiting on your promotion on the website page. CTR is calculated through CTR = Number of snap/ Number of impressions x 100.

10.   Differentiate between the Adwords and Adsense.
- Adwords enables businesses to advertise on Google’s network whereas Adsense enables publishers to reserve the space for placements on their website. Both are interrelated and work together for Google’s advertising network.

So, with this we come to an end of this blog. Hope you will find this useful and it will help you prepare for your interview.

All the Best!

Also, check out our other Blogs on Digital Marketing.

If you have any doubts regarding any of the course or syllabus, kindly reach out to us via call or drop a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Edustrom provides you a with a platform to learn various Digital Marketing and helps you master them within a limited time frame like (i) SEO, (ii) SEM, (iii) Social Media Marketing, (iv) E-Mail Marketing (v) Affiliate Marketing, and (vi) Google Analytics.


Why Edustrom?
Edustrom provides you with A to Z of the Digital Marketing Course. Also, we make you future ready by giving you industrial training and a chance to work on the live ongoing projects. So, your knowledge can excel with the experience. We also provide you with a certificate stating that you are now ready to enter the industrial world. And moreover, we have a team of experts to look after your query and doubts round the clock.