Top 6 books for Java
You know how difficult it is to come up with a list of books that is actually very beneficial for your knowledge on the subject. You go from surfing on the internet and asking your teachers/professors to recommend you good books for Java. But even after all that, you end up being confused and of course, you don’t get the desired book.
Well, you just don’t have to worry! We have acknowledged your problem and we have made a list of 6 books on Java that will definitely help you with all your curiosity on the subject.
Moreover, books stay with you forever, this is the reason why people say that books are your best friends. We have listed below 6 books that might turn into your best friend!
So, without any further ado, let’s get started –
6 books on Java –
Core Java
Fundamentals – Volume I
This book is authored by Cay S. Horstmann. It very well explains various
features of Java-like handling, interfaces, lambda expressions, etc. The
book also contains various examples for better understanding. It will help you
write maintainable codes. Buy here.
Java -
This book is authored by Joshua Bloch and is a must-have book in your study
table. This book contains 78 practices that help you write maintainable
codes. If you are someone who needs
extra practice and understanding, you should definitely go for this book. Buy here.
Java: A
beginner’s guide –
This book is authored by Herbert Schildt. It is one of the most comprehensive
books for learning java. Don’t go on its title, intermediates java programmers
can also have this book, it will only clear up your knowledge. This book covers
all the topics of Core Java. Buy here.
Java –
The complete reference
This book is authored by Herbert Schildt and contains over 1000 pages. This book
covers the entire topic and aspects of Java that you need to conquer. It
includes discussions and examples for a better understanding of your
knowledge of Java. Buy here.
First Java -
This book is authored by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates and has real-life examples
and simplicity. It covers all the OOPS concepts of Java. This book is loved by
Java veterans and you will too! Buy here.
Concurrency in Practice -
This book is authored by Brian Goetz with 5 others. It is a book that will help
you develop an understanding of concurrency and multithreading. Going through this book is definitely worth
all the efforts! Give it a try! Buy here.
With this, we come to the end of this blog; we hope that these listed 6 books will help you in learning and applying the methods of Java in a simple and easier way.
Also, it will help you to clear all your doubts and strengthen your basics of the topics.
Also, you can check our course on Core Java, Advanced Java, and Core & Advanced Java which we offer at an affordable price.
If you have any doubts regarding the syllabus or anything related to the course, kindly contact us via call or drop a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Check our blogs on Programming Language for a better understanding and in-depth knowledge of the subject.
Edustrom provides you with a platform to learn various Java Course – Core Java, Advanced Java and Core + Advanced Java and helps you master them within a limited time
frame like ( i ) String Handling, ( ii ) Swing, ( iii ) Layout Management, ( iv ) Applet ( v ) JDBC, ( vi ) Java new features, and ( vii ) OOPS, Concept.
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